Strength & Conditioning


Society is evolving to a point where a lot of us work long hours sitting down, be it behind a desk, travelling or in various prolonged meetings.

These long periods of stillness cause stiffness and aching muscles, which in turn lead to both muscular and motivational issues. Most common issues are usually focused on the back, neck and shoulders.

These issues are something I hear on a regular basis and they’re completely reversible with the correct strength and conditioning training. many people refer to physios and chiropractors to help which can become awfully expensive, though they will provide you with some mobility exercises to do at home alongside their treatment. We can work on a personalised plan to include these mobility exercises and regain the strength and condition for those weaker muscle groups which will in turn decrease pain and stress to the area. Through my support, we can work together to rectify your posture and balance with some simple exercises and ongoing training programmes.


As much as you may enjoy the trips to the spa or the booked in massages to relax the aches and pains, this can also become quite pricey if you find yourself needing to go back to find the same relief at the end of each week. We will look to strengthen your weaker muscle groups to regain balance and harmony, allowing you to notice significant results going forward.

What our clients say


Jack Cheetham

Jack Cheetham

Not having direction whilst training was a problem for me but then I was introduced to Damian. Within a very short space of time, I noticed the change in my body shape. This was due not only to the exercise routines, but to the nutritional plan and advice given by him. He is one of […]

Fiona Ting

Fiona Ting

“I would highly recommend Damian as a personal trainer. He is highly competent and keen to work with you to get the results that you’re interested in. He is very personable and makes you feel comfortable using all the equipment in the gym even when you’ve had little to no experience. Damian made exercising fun […]

Kirsti Robertshaw

Kirsti Robertshaw

“The bottom line is Damian gets results. If you do what he tells you then you will get the results you want. There is no denying it is hard but he is with you every step of the way – encouraging you, pushing you, making it fun. He changes routines so you never get bored […]

Sanjay Sharma

Sanjay Sharma

I have been working with personal trainers over the years and each have their own take on their profession and how they go about getting results with me. I must say that Damian’s personality and enthusiasm shines through above the rest!


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